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Lacare AM 70

A multi-purpose maintenance spray. The product is especially designed to meet the requirements of preventive and corrective maintenance for industrial use, automobiles, service centres and common household applications.
Pack size: 45 g, 85 g and 328 g (400 ml)

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Industry: Automobile, DIY, Industrial

Application: Cleaning spark plugs, Loosening rusted nut bolts, Lubricating ignition locks, Lubricating brake handles, Lubricating door locks, Lubricating fans, mixer and motors for home, Lubricating window channels for home, Loosening rusted nuts and bolts, Lubricating fans, mixers and motors, Lubricating telescopic channels of sliding drawers of cabinets and kitchen trolleys, Lubricating door locks, bolts and door hinges, Lubricating and cleaning railings of sliding doors and windows, Lubricating zippers of bag packs, luggage bags and scissors

Lacare Chain Lube

A superior oil-based chain lubricant. The product is ideal for open chains of motorbikes driven at high speeds where the chain may be exposed to moisture and dust. It reduces friction, resists moisture and rusting, thereby increasing the life of chain. It is ideal for chains that are standard as well as with O-ring, X-ring and Z-ring.
Pack size: 70 g

Industry: Automobile

Application: Lubricating chains for premium bikes

Lapox Banglegrip

A two-component, modified, solvent-less, viscous epoxy system. The product has a long pot life (145 – 165 minutes) to suit industry requirements. It can absorb fillers to make a paste thick. It exhibits good mechanical properties.
Pack size: 1.8 kg

Industry: Handicraft

Application: Fixing stone mosaic, Making craft articles, Decorating metal bangles with pearls, Decorating metal bangles with gem stones

Lapox Banglegrip S

A two-component, modified, solvent-less, viscous epoxy system. The product has a long pot life (250 – 300 minutes) to suit industry requirements. It can absorb fillers to make a paste thick. It exhibits good mechanical properties.
Pack size: 1.8 kg

Industry: Handicraft

Application: Fixing stone mosaic, Making craft articles, Decorating metal bangles with pearls, Decorating metal bangles with gem stones

Lapox Bristlebond

A two-component, solvent-less, fast setting epoxy system. The product easily penetrates into bristles due to its low viscosity and develops rapid strength. It exhibits good water and chemical resistance.
Pack size: 5.5 kg

Industry: Industrial

Application: Fixing bristles to ferrule

Lapox Clear Glow

A two-component, modified, epoxy coating system. The product provides excellent smooth and glossy finish. It is widely used in lamination and coating on metal plates and household articles such as keychains, badges and trophies.
Pack size: 1.5 kg and 7.5 kg

Industry: Handicraft

Application: Lamination coating for metal gift articles

Lapox Clearset

A two-component, modified, solvent-less, viscous epoxy adhesive system. The product has a pot life of 60 – 75 minutes to suit industry requirements.
Pack size: 500 g, 1 kg, 2 kg and 10 kg

Industry: Handicraft

Application: Making shankh(conch shell) bangles, Fixing zari on textiles, Making tranparent immitation jewellery

Lapox Coralset

Lapox Coralset is a two-component modified, viscous epoxy adhesive system. When the both components are mixed in a recommended ratio and cured appropriately at room temperature, an excellent bond strength can be achieved with most of the substrates including glass, metal, plastics, wood, textile, and natural stones.
Pack size: 1.9 kg

Industry: Handicraft, Industrial

Application: Bonding gift articles and handicraft instantly, Fixing zari on textiles, Fixing gem stones, making conch (shankh) bangles, Bonding feathers to shuttlecocks

Lapox Crafto Supreme

A two-component, solvent-less, modified epoxy system. The product has a pot life of 30 – 45 minutes to suit industry requirements. It exhibits good adhesion properties to a variety of substrates and it is water resistant.
Pack size: 1.8 kg and 9 kg

Industry: Handicraft

Application: Making wooden articles, Making glass bangles

Lapox Duratite+

A two-component, solvent-less, viscous, fast curing, multi-purpose, high strength epoxy adhesive, especially formulated for furniture industry. The product has a long pot life which makes it suitable for large size job works. It has good mechanical strength and is water resistant.
Pack size: 450 g, 1.8 kg and 9 kg

Industry: Construction, Furniture, Handicraft, Industrial

Application: Fixing granite, Fixing marble, Fixing wood, Sand broadcasting, Grouting steel railings, Bonding magnet to metal in audio speakers, Making artificial jewellery, Filling gaps in furniture joints

Lapox Epogrout

A three-component, stain-free, waterproof epoxy tile grout especially designed for filling tile joints in wall and floor applications of ceramic tile, vitrified tile, mosaic, stone and structural glazed blocks. It is available in attractive shades.
Pack size: 1 kg and 5 kg

Industry: Construction

Application: Grouting tile joints in kitchens, Grouting tile joints in bathrooms, Grouting tile joints in swimming pools, Grouting tile joints in high footfall areas in institutions, Grouting tile joints in high footfall areas in industries and food processing units

Lapox Fillo

A two-component, solvent-less epoxy system. The product has a long pot life to suit industry requirements. Additional fillers like wooden flour can be added, if required.
Pack size: 1.8 kg and 9 kg

Industry: Furniture, Handicraft, Industrial

Application: Filling gaps and joints in boats and ships, Filling gaps and joints in furniture, Filling gaps and joints in wooden articles

Lapox Gem

A two-component, modified, viscous epoxy adhesive system. The product is best suitable in ceramic and handicraft industries.
Pack size: 1.8 kg, 9 kg, 45 kg and 90 kg

Industry: Handicraft

Application: Making artificial jewellery, Making glass bangles, Fixing jewel stones in bangles

Lapox Granito JR 150 | JH 350

A two-component, solvent-less, modified, transparent epoxy system. The product is best suited for treatment of Italian marble and granite, as it shows excellent penetration and gloss properties after curing. It is compatible with pigments. Being low in viscosity, it easily penetrates cracks.
Pack size: 1.25 kg, 5 kg and 10 kg

Industry: Stone Care

Application: Coating and pinholes filling in natural marble, Coating and pinholes filling in Italian marble, Coating and pinholes filling in granite, Embellishing stone surfaces

Lapox Granito ASR 200 | ASH 400

A two-component, solvent-less, transparent epoxy system. The product can be easily poured due to its low viscosity. It has a long pot life which is required for achieving high thickness casting up to 25 mm. It creates bubble-free and crack-free casting. It provides excellent smooth and glossy finish on gift articles.
Pack size: 12 kg

Industry: Furniture, Handicraft

Application: Casting table tops, Casting gift articles

Lapox Granito Cast

A two-component, solvent-less, transparent epoxy system. The product can be easily poured due to its low viscosity. It has a long pot life which is required for achieving high thickness casting up to 25 mm. It creates bubble-free and crack-free casting. Table tops do not turn yellowish even if exposed to sunlight. It provides excellent smooth and glossy finish on gift articles.
Pack size: 12 kg

Industry: Furniture, Handicraft

Application: Casting table tops, Casting gift articles

Lapox Lacrete

An epoxy based, solvent-less, unique and versatile system. The product is ideal for civil applications such as terrace and bathroom waterproofing, core-cut grouting, injection grouting and anti-corrosive coating for steel bars and epoxy mortar. It is easy to apply by a brush or roller.
Pack size: 1.5 kg, 7.5 kg and 45 kg

Industry: Construction

Application: Anti-corrosive coating, Epoxy flooring, Injection grouting, Waterproofing terrace, Waterproofing bathroom, Waterproofing water tank, Grouting core-cut, Bonding concrete

Lapox Marbobond Clear

A two component modified epoxy system. The product is ideal for applications such as filling cracks, coating on granite and marble and casting.
Lapox Marbobond Clear is available in pack sizes of 1.3 kg, 4 kg and 12 kg.

Industry: Stone Care

Application: Coating on granite, Coating on marble, Filling cracks

Lapox Marbobond HP

A solvent-based, transparent epoxy system. The product has a long pot life (80 – 110 minutes) to suit industry requirements. It easily penetrates into cracks due to its low viscosity. It exhibits good water resistance.
Pack size: 1.5 kg and 7.5 kg

Industry: Stone Care

Application: Treating low density marble, Treating sandstone, Treating granite

Lapox Marbobond Visco

A solvent-based, transparent epoxy system. The product has a long pot life (70 – 90 minutes) to suit industry requirements. The product easily penetrates into cracks due to its low viscosity. It exhibits good water resistance.
Pack size: 1.5 kg and 7.5 kg

Industry: Stone Care

Application: Treating low density marble, Treating sandstone, Treating granite

Lapox Metalam System B

A two-component, solvent-less, transparent epoxy system. The product has adequate pot life and provides excellent smooth and glossy finish. It is widely used in lamination of keychains, badges, trophies and glass articles.
Pack size: 1.5 kg and 7.5 kg

Industry: Handicraft

Application: Coating and laminating glass, Coating and laminating metal, Coating and laminating plastic, Coating and laminating stickers, Coating and laminating stones, Coating and laminating wood

Lapox Multigrip

A two-component, medium viscosity epoxy system. The product has a long pot life (65 – 75 minutes) to suit industry requirements. It is compatible with various colours to make different designs. It has excellent water resistance.
Pack size: 1.8 kg and 9 kg

Industry: Handicraft

Application: Fixing stone mosaic, Making craft articles, Making glass bangles

Lapox Powergrip

A two-component, modified, cost effective epoxy system. The product is a solvent-less, medium viscous and user friendly epoxy system. It exhibits good mechanical strength and is water resistant.
Pack size: 450 g, 900 g, 1.8 kg and 9 kg

Industry: Construction, Handicraft

Application: Fixing marble, Making stone mosaic, Making wooden articles, Grouting steel railings, Fixing jewel stones

Lapox Procoat

A two-component, acrylic polyol and aliphatic isocyanate based polyurethane (PU) coating. The product is designed to protect the base waterproof layer as well as decorate the substrate. Polyurethane (PU) coating is a tough protective paint applied on exterior and interior structures that are exposed to extreme weather such as scorching heat, gusty winds and pouring rain.
Pack size: 5L

Industry: Construction, Industrial

Application: Using as a protective top coat on terrace, Protecting steel and other surfaces

Lapox Rapid & Clear

A fast setting, multi-purpose, two-component system for adhesion of similar and dissimilar substrates including glass, metal, rubber and various other materials in common use. The product creates a transparent and waterproof bond. It sets within five minutes.
Tube packs: 6 g, 12 g, 36 g, 90 g and 180 g
Jar packs: 450 g, 1 kg and 2 kg

Industry: Automobile, Construction, Furniture, Handicraft

Application: Bonding glass to glass, Bonding marble to marble, Bonding wood to glass, Sealing radiator leakage, Fixing jewel stones

Lapox Ultra

A two-component modified, viscous epoxy adhesive system. The product creates strong adhesion with similar and dissimilar substrates such as natural stones, glass, metal, wood, laminate and textile. It is resistant to water and most chemicals.
Tube packs: 6.5 g, 13 g, 36 g, 90 g and 180 g
Jar packs: 450 g, 900 g, 1.8 kg and 9 kg

Industry: Construction, Furniture

Application: Bonding wood, Fixing granite, Fixing marble, Sand broadcasting, Assembly of marble temple, Grouting steel railings

Lapox Ultrabond CPVC

A solvent cement for joining CPVC pipes and fittings used for hot and cold water up to a maximum of 1800 F (820 C). The product is a yellow coloured, low VOC emission, fast setting, high strength CPVC solvent cement. It is suitable for 0.5″ to 2″ diameter pipes and fittings. It conforms to ASTM F493 standard.
Pack size: 20 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml and 200 ml

Industry: Construction

Application: Joining CPVC pipes in residential complexes, Joining CPVC pipes in commercial spaces, Joining CPVC pipes in industrial premises, Joining CPVC pipes in mobile homes

Lapox Ultrabond PVC

A heavy duty solvent cement for joining PVC pipes and fittings which help create strong, waterproof and durable joints. The product is a clear, low VOC emission, fast setting, high strength PVC solvent cement. It is suitable for up to 4″ diameter Schedule 40 pipes.
Pack size: 20 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml, 200 ml, 500 ml and 1 L

Industry: Construction

Application: Joining PVC pipes for potable water, Joining PVC pipes for sewers, Joining PVC pipes for irrigation

Lapox Ultrabond UPVC

A solvent cement for joining UPVC pipes and fittings. The product is suitable for 6″ Schedule 40 pipes and 4″ Schedule 80 pipes. It conforms to ASTM D2564 standard.
Pack size: 20 ml, 50 ml, 100 ml and 200 ml

Industry: Construction

Application: Joining UPVC pipes in potable water, Joining UPVC pipes in conduits, Joining UPVC pipes in irrigation, Joining UPVC pipes in sewers

Lapox Ultrafast

A one-component, solvent-free, room temperature curing cyanoacrylate adhesive. The product is useful in bonding plastic, flex, PVC, leather, rubber, glass and metal components where instant bonding is required.
Pack size: 20 g and 50 g

Industry: Furniture

Application: Pasting flex banners on MS frames, Filling gaps in PVC doors and furniture

Lapox Ultrafix

A two-component, high performance, fast-setting epoxy adhesive used for multiple applications. The product provides excellent bond strength for various substrates, including granite, marble, wood, synthetic and ceramic tiles. It does not sag due to its thixotropic nature; hence it is ideal for vertical cladding. It has excellent adhesion in wet and moist conditions.
Pack size: 1.5 kg

Industry: Construction

Application: Sand broadcasting, Vertical marble cladding, Vertical stone cladding, Vertical granite cladding, Fixing underwater tiles, Anchoring grout for reinforced steel, Repairing and gap filling of concrete cracks

Lapox Ultraflexo

Lapox Ultraflexo is a one-component, solvent-free, low viscous, transparent and nearly instant setting adhesive. It does not leave any traces or marks upon drying. It may be used to achieve excellent bonding between similar and dissimilar substrates.
Pack size: 20 kg

Industry: Construction, Furniture, Handicraft

Application: Bonding marble instantly, Bonding wood instantly, Bonding gift articles and handicraft instantly, Pasting flex banners on MS frames, Filling gaps in PVC doors and furniture

Lapox Ultraseal

A two-component, room temperature setting, easy to use, multi-purpose epoxy putty for plumbing and non-plumbing applications. The product can withstand temperatures up to 1200 C. It can be moulded in different shapes, can be sanded, drilled and painted. It comes up in general purpose and fast setting variants.
Fast setting (available in jar packs): 25 g, 60 g and 90 g
General purpose: 1 kg

Industry: Automobile, Construction, DIY, Industrial

Application: Fixing loose screws on walls, Joining broken ceramic, wooden and household articles, Insulating electrical connections, Moisture proofing CI and cable joints, Sealing fuse and choke units of mercury lamps, Sealing leakages in transformer systems to prevent oxidation, Sealing plumbing leakages, Sealing leakages of water pipelines and storage tanks, Sealing water supply mains, Sealing sewage pipelines, Bonding marble and composite stones, Bonding glass, Bonding fibreglass, Filling dents and cracks, Sealing leakages in radiators, Sealing leakages in fuel tanks, Sealing leakages in silencers and metal strips

Lapox Ultraseal White

Lapox Ultraseal White is a multi-purpose, epoxy-based, white coloured putty. It is a versatile plumber’s putty that can be used to fill gaps and seal joints in plumbing and sanitary.
Pack size: 50 g

Industry: Automobile, Construction, DIY, Industrial

Application: Sealing joints between ceramic fixtures and sanitary lines such as basins and commode outlets, Arresting leaks in plumbing, Filling wooden gaps, Filling holes in metal working and sealing welding joints and many other gap filling applications

Polygrip APP 810

A colourless liquid resin based on polyurethane. When Polygrip APP 810 and Polygrip HR (a dark brown liquid colour curing agent) are mixed in an appropriate ratio, the cross-linking starts, adhesive cures within an appropriate time and provides strong bond between substrates. Polyurethane adhesives are flexible in nature and provide strong bonding with almost all synthetic substrates including polyurethane, polyvinylchloride, and ethyl vinyl acetate.
Pack size: 30 L

Industry: Footwear

Application: Primer for PVC to leather bonding

Polygrip Autopro

Polygrip AutoPro is a light-coloured, toluene-free, fast-drying, synthetic rubber-based adhesive. With heat resistance up to 90 0C, it is recommended for bonding a variety of substrates such as moulded PU foam, metal, FRP, ABS, leather, synthetic leather, fabric and non-woven carpets.
Pack size: 30 litre

Industry: Automobile, Industrial

Application: Manufacturing automobile seats, Bonding roof linings, Bonding door trims, Bonding non-woven carpet fabric, Bonding generator canopies

Polygrip Clearfix (TF)

Polygrip Clearfix (TF) is a toluene-free, light-coloured, translucent synthetic rubberbased adhesive. Ideal for lightcoloured leather and synthetic applications, it is versatile and suitable for most substrates
including rubber, leather, synthetic leather, EVA, foam, metal, fabric and canvas.
Pack size: 30 litre

Industry: Footwear, Leather

Application: Bonding leather belts, Making sport shoes, Making footwear uppers, Bonding purses and wallets, Bonding light coloured leather articles

Polygrip EXPO 1009 (TF)

A golden yellow, fast curing and high heat resistant synthetic rubber-based adhesive. The product is versatile and suitable for most of the substrates such as rubber, leather, wood, rexin, canvas, and foam. It is also suitable for adhering similar and dissimilar substrates to achieve strong bonds. High coverage can be achieved if used in appropriate environmental and processing conditions.
Pack size: 30 L

Industry: Footwear, Leather

Application: Making shoes, Making bags and purses

Polygrip Hardener Fast Cure

Polygrip Hardener Fast Cure is a quick setting hardener used along with polyurethane (PU) resins. This adhesive system provides strong durable bond with synthetic substrates like PU, PVC, EVA, TPR and leather.
Pack size: 750 ml



Polygrip Hotbond

A light yellow coloured, fast drying, synthetic rubber-based adhesive. The product is especially designed to provide heat resistance up to 170° C. It has excellent tack and bonds rapidly as per the requirements in various applications of furniture industry.
Pack size: 100 ml, 200 ml, 500 ml, 1 L and 5 L

Industry: Furniture

Application: Bonding laminate to laminate, Bonding ply to laminate, Bonding ply to PVC laminate

Polygrip HVAC Classic

A high strength, synthetic rubber-based adhesive especially developed for various durable insulation requirements in HVAC and R segment. The product has an excellent adhesion to a variety of substrates such as galvanised iron, aluminium, steel, nitrile rubber, glass wool and cross-linked polyethylene.
Pack size: 5 L and 30 L

Industry: HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning)

Application: Bonding nitrile rubber to duct surface, Bonding cross-linked polyethylene to duct surface, Bonding glass wool to duct surfaces, Bonding nitrile rubber to painted concrete, Bonding cross-linked polyethylene to painted concrete, Bonding glass wool to painted concrete, Bonding nitrile rubber to painted MS surface, Bonding cross-linked polyethylene to painted MS surface, Bonding glass wool to painted MS surface

Polygrip Locktape

A pressure sensitive paper tape for general purpose. The product can be used for marking, sealing, holding, bundling and other various jobs where temporary bonding is required.
Pack size: 18 mm x 20 m and 24 mm x 20 m

Industry: Furniture, DIY, Industrial

Application: Bonding ply to laminate temporarily, Surface masking in painting works, Industrial marking, bundling, packaging, lane marking, splicing and surface protection, DIY bundling, labelling, sealing, temporary repairs

Polygrip MP (TF)

A fast curing, toluene-free, synthetic rubber-based adhesive. The product is versatile and suitable for most of the substrates such as rubber, wood, rexin, canvas and foams. It is also suitable for adhering similar and dissimilar substrates to achieve strong bonds.
Pack size: 30 L

Industry: Upholstery

Application: Bonding foam to foam, Bonding foam to leather, Bonding canvas to foam, Bonding PVC to foam

Polygrip MP 609

A dark brown coloured, low viscous and affordable synthetic rubber-based contact adhesive. The product is a general purpose adhesive suitable for bonding a variety of flexible substrates such as rubber, leather, EVA, rexin, foam and canvas.
Pack size: 500 ml, 1 L, 5 L and 30 L

Industry: Footwear, Upholstery, Flooring

Application: Bonding foam to foam, Bonding foam to leather, Bonding canvas to foam, Bonding carpet to floor, Bonding PVC to foam, Bonding various footwear components

Polygrip NR

A natural rubber based contact adhesive. The product is recommended for temporary bonding required for holding substrates before stitching. It is used for bonding various soft substrates such as leather, foam and fabric.
Pack size: 30 L

Industry: Footwear

Application: Making footwear uppers

Polygrip PG 30

A two-component system consisting of powder and solvent. The product is used as a primer for TPR soles | ruber | cork surfaces.
Pack size: 25 gm, solvent 1 L and 30 L

Industry: Footwear

Application: Primer for TPR soles

Polygrip PG 40

A transparent liquid recommended as a primer for EVA substrates before application.
Pack size: 1 L and 30 L

Industry: Footwear

Application: Primer for EVA substrates

Polygrip PG 405

Polygrip PG 405 is a transparent liquid recommended to be used as a primer for EVA substrates before applying the adhesive.
Pack size: 5 litre and 30 litre



Polygrip PG 60

A transparent liquid recommended for cleaning of PVC and PU substrates. The product removes residual plasticisers, mould release agents, oil, grease and dirt from surfaces. Cleaning thoroughly with Polygrip PG 60 improves bond strength.
Pack size: 1 L and 30 L

Industry: Footwear

Application: Cleaning | priming of footwear soles

Polygrip PLUS 909

A brownish-yellow, synthetic rubber-based contact adhesive. The product is a high strength, premium adhesive suitable for bonding a variety of substrates such as rubber, leather, EVA, wood, laminate, concrete, FRP, painted MS, foam, rexin and canvas.
Pack size: 100 ml, 200 ml, 500 ml, 1 L, 5 L and 30 L

Industry: Automobile, Footwear, Furniture, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning), Upholstery, Flooring

Application: Bonding foam to foam, Bonding foam to leather, Bonding canvas to foam, Bonding carpet to floor, Bonding PVC to foam, Bonding laminate to wood, Bonding roof linings, Bonding door trims, Bonding non-woven carpet fabric, Bonding various HVAC insulation components, Bonding leather to rubber sole

Polygrip Proshoe

Polygrip Proshoe is a solvent-based, toluene-free, premium polyurethane adhesive. It is designed for making footwear where high strength and rapid grabbing is required. It is recommended for bonding soles to upper components in the footwear segment. This adhesive system provides a strong, durable bond with synthetic substrates such as PVC, PU, EVA, phylon, TPR and leather.
Pack size: 25 kg

Industry: Footwear

Application: Making sports shoes, formal shoes, safety shoes and sandals

Polygrip PS 7

A yellow coloured, rubber-based pressure sensitive adhesive. The product has high green tack and acts as a waterproof coating. It can be designed to have high temperature resistance up to 1500 C.
Pack size: 30 L

Industry: Packaging

Application: Manufacturing cello tapes, Manufacturing fabric tapes, Manufacturing PVC tapes, Manufacturing polyester tapes

Polygrip PT Primer

A transparent liquid recommended as a primer for EVA substrates before the application of adhesive. The product is especially designed for printing on EVA surface.
Pack size: 30 L

Industry: Footwear

Application: Primer for EVA substrates

Polygrip PU 1000

A solvent-based polyurethane adhesive used in combination with Polygrip HR hardener in a specified ratio. The system is recommended for various applications in footwear segment. It provides strong durable bond with synthetic substrates such as PVC, PU, EVA, Phylon, TPR and leather.
Pack size: 1 L, 5 L and 30 L

Industry: Footwear

Application: Making synthetic strip for sandals

Polygrip PU 2000

A solvent-based polyurethane adhesive used in combination with Polygrip HR hardener in a specified ratio. The system is recommended for various applications in footwear segment. It provides strong durable bond with synthetic substrates such as PVC, PU, EVA, Phylon, TPR and leather.
Pack size: 1 L, 5 L and 30 L

Industry: Footwear

Application: Making soles

Polygrip PU 3000

A solvent-based premium polyurethane adhesive used in combination with Polygrip HR hardener in a specified ratio. The system is especially designed for the manufacture of safety and industrial shoes where high strength is required. It is also recommended for bonding sole to upper component in footwear segment. This adhesive system provides strong durable bond with synthetic substrates such as PVC, PU, EVA, phylon, TPR and leather.
Pack size: 5 L and 30 L

Industry: Footwear

Application: Making men sandals, Making casual shoes, Making safety shoes, Making heavy duty footwear

Polygrip PU 4000

A solvent-based premium polyurethane adhesive used in combination with Polygrip HR hardener in a specified ratio. The system is especially designed for the manufacture of safety and industrial shoes where high strength is required. It is also recommended for bonding sole to upper component in footwear segment. This adhesive system provides strong durable bond with synthetic substrates such as PVC, PU, EVA, Phylon, TPR and leather.
Pack size: 5 L and 30 L

Industry: Footwear

Application: Making casual shoes, Making safety shoes, Making heavy duty footwear

Polygrip PU 6000

A solvent-based premium polyurethane adhesive used in combination with Polygrip HR Clear hardener in a specified ratio. The system is specially designed for the manufacture of sport shoes where high green tack and rapid grabbing is required. It is also recommended for bonding sole to upper component in footwear segment.This adhesive system provides strong durable bond with synthetic substrates such as PVC, PU, EVA, Phylon, TPR and leather.
Pack size: 30 L

Industry: Footwear

Application: Making sport shoes, Making safety and industrial shoes, Making heavy duty sandals

Polygrip Rapid

A synthetic polymer-based adhesive for spray application. The product offers low viscosity, quick drying time with maximum tack retention time of five minutes. It is capable of bonding a variety of substrates such as foam-to-foam, foam-to-wood, foam-to-rexine, fabric and non-woven carpets for furniture and automobile industries. It offers instant bonding which is suitable for the quick production of components for various industries.
Pack size: 900 ml, 4.5 L and 30 L

Industry: Automobile, Furniture, Upholstery

Application: Bonding non-woven carpet fabric, Making executive chairs, Making mattresses, Making sofas

Polygrip Rapid NXT

A synthetic polymer-based adhesive for spray application. The product offers low viscosity and quick drying time with maximum tack retention time of eight minutes. It is ideal for chair and large size sofa manufacturing applications, which require long tack time and strong bonding for curved edges. It is suitable for premium mattress manufacturing where multiple layers of bonding is required.
Pack size: 15 L and 30 L

Industry: Automobile, Furniture, Upholstery

Application: Bonding non-woven carpet fabric, Making executive chairs, Making mattresses, Making sofas

Polygrip Restobond

Polygrip Restobond is a fast-drying, synthetic rubber-based sprayable adhesive. Ideal for manufacturing goods quickly in large quantities, it provides good bonding on curved surfaces for PE to PE foam, ABS, fabric, foam, FRP, MS, non-woven carpets, painted metal, polypropylene, PVC foam, rexine and wood.
Pack size: 30 litre

Industry: Automobile, Upholstery

Application: Bonding non-woven carpet fabric, Making executive chairs, Making mattresses, Making sofas

Polygrip RTU

A solvent-based, sprayable polyurethane adhesive which is used in combination with Polygrip HR hardener in a specified ratio. The system is recommended for bonding PVC sheet to wood for membrane door applications. The system has good area coverage with faster drying of solvents, which is required in membrane door manufacturing process. It has excellent bonding properties of PVC films to wood, plywood and particle board.
Pack size: 30 L

Industry: Furniture

Application: Bonding PVC to wood, Bonding PVC to plywood

Polygrip S 709

A dark brown, synthetic rubber-based adhesive having long tack retention time. The product is a multi-purpose adhesive suitable for bonding a variety of substrates such as canvas, foam, paper, plastic, velvet and wood. It is ideal for manufacturing sofas, chairs, automobile seats and footwear.
Pack size: 100 ml, 200 ml, 500 ml, 1 L, 2 L, 5 L and 30 L

Industry: Automobile, Footwear, Furniture, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning), Upholstery, Flooring

Application: Bonding foam to foam, Bonding foam to leather, Bonding canvas to foam, Bonding carpet to floor, Bonding PVC to foam, Bonding laminate to wood, Bonding roof linings, Bonding door trims, Bonding non-woven carpet fabric, Bonding various footwear components, Bonding various HVAC insulation components

Polygrip SG

A synthetic rubber based adhesive that is added with starch glue while processing to obtain new glue. The product is ideal for applications such as edge bonding or side flap bonding for cartons, labels and shippers. Polygrip SG is available in the pack size of 20 L

Industry: Industrial

Application: Edge or side flap bonding for cartons, Edge or side flap bonding for labels, Edge or side flap bonding for corrugated boxes

Polygrip Solemate (TF)

Polygrip Solemate (TF) is a premium, toluene free polyurethane adhesive which offers high strength and rapid bonding, ideal for bonding soles to uppers and synthetic substrates like PVC, PU, EVA, Plylon, TPR and leather.
Pack size: 30 litre



Polygrip Solestar

A brown coloured, fast curing, toluene-free synthetic rubber-based adhesive. The product is versatile and suitable for most of the substrates such as rubber, leather, wood, rexin, canvas and foam. It is also suitable for adhering similar and dissimilar substrates to achieve strong bonds. High coverage can be achieved if used in appropriate environmental and processing conditions.
Pack size: 30 L

Industry: Automobile, Footwear, Furniture, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning), Upholstery, Flooring

Application: Bonding foam to foam, Bonding foam to leather, Bonding canvas to foam, Bonding carpet to floor, Bonding PVC to foam, Bonding laminate to wood, Bonding roof linings, Bonding door trims, Bonding non-woven carpet fabric, Bonding various footwear components, Bonding various HVAC insulation components

Polygrip SP 809

A light yellow coloured, synthetic rubber-based contact adhesive. The product is a multi-purpose adhesive suitable for bonding a variety of substrates such as rubber, leather, EVA, rexin, wood, laminate, FRP, painted MS, foam and canvas.
Pack size: 5 L and 30 L

Industry: Automobile, HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning), Upholstery, Flooring

Application: Bonding foam to foam, Bonding foam to leather, Bonding canvas to foam, Bonding carpet to floor, Bonding PVC to foam, Bonding roof linings, Bonding door trims, Bonding non-woven carpet fabric, Bonding various HVAC insulation components

Polygrip SP 9

A sprayable synthetic rubber-based adhesive. The product is especially designed to provide long tack retention time (open time), suitable for bonding large components. It is recommended for bonding a variety of substrates such as foam to foam, foam to painted metal, foam to mild steel, rexine, fibre reinforced plastics (FRP), PVC foam, wood, rexine, and fabric and non-woven carpet. It can withstand temperature up to 700 C.
Pack size: 30 L

Industry: Automobile, Upholstery

Application: Bonding foam to foam, Bonding non-woven carpet fabric, Bonding foam to painted metal, Bonding foam to mild steel, Bonding rexine, Bonding fibre reinforced plastics, Bonding PVC foam

Polygrip SP-1

A light yellow coloured, fast drying, sprayable synthetic rubber-based adhesive. The product is recommended for bonding a variety of substrates such as foam, painted metal, MS, FRP, ABS, polypropylene, PVC foam, wood, rexin, fabric and non-woven carpet.
Pack size: 30 L

Industry: Automobile, Furniture, Upholstery, Industrial

Application: Bonding roof linings, Bonding door trims, Bonding non-woven carpet fabric, Making executive chairs, Making mattresses, Making sofas, Bonding generator canopies

Polygrip SP-1 (H)

A light yellow coloured, fast drying sprayable, synthetic rubber-based adhesive. The product is recommended for bonding a variety of substrates such as foam, painted metal, MS, FRP, ABS, polypropylene, PVC foam, wood, rexin, fabric and non-woven carpet. It can withstand temperature up to 800 C.
Pack size: 30 L

Industry: Automobile, Upholstery

Application: Bonding foam to foam, Bonding non-woven carpet fabric, Bonding foam to painted metal, Bonding foam to mild steel, Bonding rexine, Bonding fibre reinforced plastics, Bonding PVC foam

Polygrip SPR

A sprayable synthetic rubber-based adhesive. The product is especially designed for providing long coverage area.
Pack size: 30 L and 200 L

Industry: Automobile, Upholstery

Application: Bonding foam to foam, Bonding non-woven carpet fabric, Bonding foam to painted metal, Bonding foam to mild steel, Bonding rexine, Bonding fibre reinforced plastics, Bonding PVC foam

Polygrip SR 100

A pale yellow colour, synthetic rubber-based contact adhesive. The product is designed to provide long open time, excellent tack and light color. It is recommended for bonding various substrates such as EVA, foam, leather and canvas for single side application in footwear industry.
Pack size: 30 L

Industry: Footwear, Leather

Application: Bonding leather belts, Bonding footwear socks, Bonding purses and wallets, Bonding light coloured leather articles

Polygrip SR 409

A light yellow coloured, fast drying, synthetic rubber-based and brushable contact adhesive. The product is especially designed for foam to foam bonding in the manufacturing of sofas, chairs and mattresses. It exhibits soft and flexible glue line on the bonded substrates. It provides excellent film forming ability on various foams, high tack and immediate bonding resulting into faster productivity.
Pack size: 500 ml, 1 L, 2 L, 5 L and 30 L

Industry: Automobile, Upholstery

Application: Manufacturing automobile seats, Bonding foam to foam, Bonding foam to leather, Bonding canvas to foam, Bonding foam to wood, Bonding bonded-foam to bonded-foam, Bonding bonded-foam to foam, Bonding coir to foam, Bonding foam to fabric

Polygrip SS 999

A pale brown coloured, synthetic rubber-based contact adhesive. The product is designed to provide long open time, excellent tack and light colour. It is recommended for bonding various substrates such as EVA, foam, leather and canvas for single side application in footwear industry.
Pack size: 30 L

Industry: Footwear, Leather

Application: Bonding leather belts, Bonding footwear socks, Bonding purses and wallets

Polygrip UV Cure

Polygrip UV Cure is widely used for priming materials with low polarity or non-roughened substrates such as phylon, EVA, compression-moulded preform etc.
Pack size: 15 kg



Polygrip WTP 888

A translucent, synthetic rubber-based adhesive. The product is versatile and suitable for most substrates including permanent bonding of leather to leather, leather to soles made of MCR, EVA, rubber, cork bonding of foam to rexine, metal and plastic in furniture.
Pack size: 30 L

Industry: Footwear, Leather

Application: Bonding footwear boxes, Bonding white leather articles

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