
Steadfast emphasis at Atul on quality, safety, beyond business initiatives
and inclusive growth has been recognised with a number of awards.

5S Gold Award, 2020

IDC Insights Award, 2018

Rashtra Vibhushan Award, 2018

Excellence in Cost Management Award, 2018

The Company was awarded ‘Green Gujarat Award 2019’ for its Ankleshwar site

Shram Ratna Award for controlling heavy leakage of molten DNCB.

An institution builder par excellence, Kasturbhai Lalbhai made seminal contributions particularly in the fields of industry, education, culture and religion. His pioneering efforts helped in the process of transformation of a colonised and impoverished India to a land of emerging hopes and opportunities. He led a purposeful life imbibed with integrity, discipline, excellence, perseverance and simplicity.

On March 17, 2012, Atul Ltd converted its first office into anInspiring Centerto depict the life and times of its Founder, Kasturbhai Lalbhai. The Center was inaugurated by Shrenik Kasturbhai, the younger son of Kasturbhai.

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